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Animated Text

Add Flare to ya page by using the codes and the html color chart to make your text move. Codes marked with ** can be altered by using the color chart to change the color.

Html Color Chart


Using the codes below make your own scrolling text.Just copy and past the code to any part of your page where you have text and there you go.

1. This code make you text scroll in from the left and out the right.


2. This code does the opposite and srcolls in from the right and out the left. 

<maquee direction="right">TEXT</marquee>

3. This Code make your words move side to side as if bumping into a wall.

<marquee behavior="alternate">TEXT</marquee>

4. This Text will scroll up.

<marquee direction="up">TEXT</marquee>

5. This one scrolls down.

<marquee direction="down">TEXT</marquee>

6. This code makes your text hop up and down.

<marquee direction="up" behavior="alternate">TEXT</marquee>

7. This text will hop in the left side and out the right side.

<marquee behavior="alternate" direction="up" width="80%"><marquee direction="right">TEXT</marquee></marquee>

8.This code will make you text zig zag up and down.

<marquee behavior="alternate" direction="up" width="80%"><marquee direction="right" behavior="alternate">TEXT</marquee></marquee>

9.This code use >> arrows<< shooting into your text to draw attention.

<marquee behavior="alternate" width="10%">>></marquee>TEXT<marquee behavior="alternate" width="10%"><<</marquee>

10.This code scrolls like marquee but with a colored back groun you choose from the Hmtl color codes above just take out the #FFFFFF and plug in you chosen color number.

** <font color="#FFFFFF"><marquee direction="left" style="background:BLUE">TEXT</marquee></font>

11. This code makes a border around your scrolling words, You choose the color.

** <marquee style="border:"#FFFFFF"2px SOLID">TEXT</marquee>

12. Can't explain this one YOU HAVE TO SEE IT!

<MARQUEE behavior=alternate direction=left scrollAmount=3 width="4%"><font face=Webdings>3</font></MARQUEE><MARQUEE scrollAmount=1 direction=left width="2%">| | |</MARQUEE>TEXT<MARQUEE scrollAmount=1 direction=right width="2%">| | |</MARQUEE><MARQUEE behavior=alternate direction=right scrollAmount=3 width="4%"><font face=Webdings>4</font></MARQUEE>/

13.This one scrolls in from the right and then disappers.

<marquee behavior="alternate"><marquee width="150">TEXT</marquee></marquee>

14.This code make you word look a wave slithering up and down, side to side. 

** <marquee behavior=alternate direction=up scrollamount=2 scrolldelay=65 height=80 style="Text-align;filter:wave(add=0,phase=1, freq=1,strength=15,color=.FFFFFF)"><center>TEXT<br>TEXT</center></marquee>